Phase Out Fracking Action Party

Start: Saturday, June 10, 202312:00 PM

End: Saturday, June 10, 2023 5:00 PM

Join us for a fun-focused event to build support and get pledges to sign a statewide ballot initiative to phase out new fracking by 2030! We'll have music, art, speakers, face painting for kids and opportunities to take action on the spot and/or get more involved in this important effort!

Oil and gas fracking is the #1 source of greenhouse gases causing the climate crisis and ozone pollution causing our bad air quality in Colorado. We're calling on leaders from the national to the local level (Biden, Polis, etc.) to take action to phase out fossil fuels,... and we're not waiting for them. It's time for 'we the people' to take action through a statewide ballot initiative to transition off fossil fuels to a clean energy future! We need your help! Learn more here about the June 10th Day of Action or here about the ballot initiative effort!

Join us for a fun-filled event to build support and get pledges to sign a statewide ballot initiative to phase out new fracking by 2030! We'll have:
** Live music by 1) Bridget Law and Tierro of the Tierro Band and 2) Voodoo Lily
** Action-art making
** Speakers, including city, county and state elected officials and representatives from local organizations
** Kids activities, including face painting and henna tattoos
** Education Station, with opportunities to take action on the spot and/or get more involved in this important effort!

Local event co-hosts: 350 Boulder County, First Congregational Church of Boulder

Statewide co-hosts: 350 Colorado, Safe & Healthy Colorado, Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, Empower Our Future, GreenLatinos, PSR Colorado - Physicians for Social Responsibility

If you would like to help organize this event or your group would like to be a co-host, contact Our planning team would love to have your help spreading the word!

We will be on the sidewalk and lawn area on the Pearl Street side of the County Courthouse.