PMA Union Rally for a Fair Contract Now

Start: Friday, April 01, 2022 5:00 PM

PMA Union and AFSCME Local 397 logos

The PMA Union has been in contract negotiations with Philadelphia Museum of Art management since October, 2020. What's at stake? We're negotiating to establish worker protections like job security and safety from harassment, for transfer and promotion opportunities, and for more affordable health insurance and fair pay.

While management delays responses to our proposals, distracts from the big issues, and dismisses our proposed improvements, our members keep showing up and doing the essential work that brings the PMA to life and makes the museum a world-class institution. We've waited long enough for necessary change.

We're asking friends, community members, and supporters to rally with us outside the museum on Friday, April 1, at 5 PM. This will be a fun, high-energy event with signs and chants, speakers, and special guests. We need your support to show management it's time for a fair contract now!

Event by
Sarah Shaw
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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