Prepare for nonviolent direct action with Extinction Rebellion
Start: Sunday, February 16, 2025• 4:00 PM
End: Sunday, February 16, 2025• 8:30 PM
Location:Washington Hall•153 14th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122, Seattle, WA 98122 US
Join our experienced teachers to prepare to be safe and joyful in the streets together!
Our session will start with building skills and practicing roles for effective street actions and keeping each other safe. This is an opportunity for folks to explore and expand their capacity to confront injustice. Experienced teachers will share skills and guide practice so folks new to direct action can gain comfort in various roles. We hope folks with experience in the streets can come to practice new roles and build community.
Stay for a light meal of tamales with chips and salsa and join the break outs starting at 7:30 to learn about street theater with our Red Rebels, build capacity to bring song to our actions with song-leader skills, or practice with equipment used in actions.
Please sign up by Wednesday (Feb 12) so that we can get a good estimate of food needs. The only required info is email & ZIP Code. There will not be a guest-list, so you needn't provide a name.
We are grateful to the generous sponsors of this event and urge you to donate (and note Extinction Rebellion) to offset the expense.