Apr.8: Protest at Disney & Gap: End Sweatshop Death Traps Now!
Start: Monday, April 08, 2013• 2:30 PM
In November, 112 workers died in the horrific fire at Tazreen, a Disney and Walmart supplier in Bangladesh. Two years earlier 29 people were killed sewing Gap clothing, also locked inside a factory during a fire.
Disney and Walmart still haven't paid up on the $5 million in compensation owed to victims. And these companies are refusing to join Tommy Hilfiger in a fire safety agreement to pay enough to make factories safe and work with workers’ groups to prevent the next deadly fire.
Join with Bangladeshi workers and local activists in a protest at Disney and Gap stores to call on the companies to pay 10 cents more per garment to save workers' lives!
Sponsored by Corporate Action Network, Food Chain Workers Alliance, Garment Worker Center, Jewish Labor Committee Western Region, SumOfUs, UCLA Labor Center, and United Students Against Sweatshops.
RSVP & spread the word on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/143808835790575