Racing Extinction Film Screening

Start: Monday, September 23, 2019 5:45 PM

Join us at the Pickford Film Center in downtown Bellingham to watch the documentary "Racing Extinction". This event is free and open to the public. Film screening 5:45-7:15. Advance ticket purchase available at the Pickford. In "Racing Extinction", a team of artists and activists exposes the hidden world of extinction with unforgettable images that will change the way we see the planet. We humans are altering the planet utterly and forevermore. We now live in the Anthropocene, a new geologic time period, as humans are causing the world's sixth massive extinction event, now underway. Humans have caused the extinction of almost half the world's species and this movie reveals how. The international wildlife trade creates bogus markets at the expense of creatures that have survived on this planet for millions of years. This documentary will awaken the sensibilities of every compassionate human. View the trailer: