Rally to End Medical Debt
Start: Saturday, April 03, 2021•12:30 PM
Passing the Medical Debt Protection Act of 2021 is simply the first step!
Our legislators need to know that End Medical Debt Maryland is not going anywhere! See you on Saturday, April 3 at 12:30 PM at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Billings Administration Building in Baltimore City for a RALLY TO END MEDICAL DEBT.
We'll gather at 12:30 PM in front of the historic Hopkins dome to hear from patient rights' advocates, medical providers, and Marylanders who have been impacted by the burdens of medical debt. They'll talk about the urgent need for medical debt protection legislation addressing the predatory debt collection practices of Maryland hospitals.
From there, we'll canvass the neighborhoods around Johns Hopkins Hospital with “Know Your Patients’ Rights” flyers, because Marylanders deserve to know about the financial assistance that hospitals are required by law to provide.
Bring your signs (the more creative the better!) and invite your friends. End Medical Debt Maryland is growing and ready to become a statewide movement for healthcare equity!
P.S. We've planned a rain date for Saturday, April 10, just in case.