Region 4 Equity in Education
Start: Saturday, March 07, 2020• 9:00 AM
End: Saturday, March 07, 2020• 4:00 PM
Through interactive and experiential learning with a combination of individual, small and whole group activities, this session will teach participants about equity, the four types of racism, and be an open and safe place to discuss racial and social inequities.
Participants will become aware of unconscious biases and the ways those biases contribute to inequities in our schools. They will expand the work of the association on issues of institutional racism, including raising awareness of improving school climate and culture.
Members - FREE
Non-Members will need to Click Here to Register - $100
Curriculum for this course has been provided by NEA Leaders for Just Schools and further developed by the members of the IEA Human and Civil Rights Committee. Participants will be given resources from Race Forward and the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights to create effective lessons and develop strategies to promote equity and opportunity for all students.