Remember Sandy: Defund Climate Chaos!

Start: Friday, October 29, 202112:30 PM

End: Friday, October 29, 2021 2:30 PM

October 29th is the anniversary of Superstorm Sandy's landfall. This coming Friday, October 29th, world and corporate leaders will assemble for a climate conference in Glasgow. At the same time, marches worldwide will demand that they defund climate chaos by stopping the money pipeline from banks to oil, gas and coal corporations.

  • 12:30: Assemble under the Brooklyn Bridge (372 Pearl Street) at Pearl Street and Robert Wagner Place on the sidewalk
  • 1:00: March to the Federal Reserve
  • 1:30: March to Citibank HQ
  • 2:00: Rally at Citibank HQ at 388 Greenwich Street

Citibank has pumped $237 billion into oil, gas and coal corporations in just the five years since the Paris climate agreement. The Federal Reserve is failing to regulate Wall Street to prevent climate catastrophe. If we can make the banks like Citibank and the Fed stop the flow of money this decade, we can stop the flow of oil and gas - and save ourselves. Join the march!

This march is co-sponsored by:, 350Brooklyn, 350NYC, Bronx Climate Justice North, Fridays for Future NYC, Kids Fight Climate Change, New York Communities for Change, North Bronx Racial Justice, Rise & Resist, TREEage, XR NYC (and more!)