Rhode Island Climate Strike

Start: Friday, September 20, 201910:00 AM

End: Friday, September 20, 2019 3:00 PM

This July was the hottest month on record & temperatures continue to rise every year across the globe. In the US, RI is the only state that has surpassed 2 degrees C of warming and as a result, we are losing hundreds of feet of our precious coast. Our futures are in danger because of human-caused climate change & we are calling on people of all ages to rise up and speak out before it's too late.

For centuries, institutions have profited off the destruction of the environment & the exploitation of people, especially black, brown, indigenous, people of color, young people, & women. The impacts of this destruction are only getting worse & it is clear that we cannot rely on older generations to save us.

This is the third Global Climate Strike & people will be striking on every continent in hundreds of cities to demand governments take climate action to protect our basic rights to a livable future.

That is why on September 20th, from 10 am to 3 pm, we are calling on all Rhode Islanders to rise for the climate.