Seattle DSA Sherae for State Trivia Fundraiser

Start: Monday, October 19, 2020 at 1:30 AM GMT

This is a virtual event

Ballots are about to drop! It's time to go all-out to defeat Frank Chopp and send Sherae Lascelles to Olympia!

Come support the Sherae for State campaign, and have fun with comrades at the same time! Test your knowledge of local politics, history, and random stuff, and join us for some rounds of trivia, with some intermittent fundraising asks.

Join us this Sunday, October 18th for a trivia fundraiser for Sherae Lascelles, running for State Legislature Pos. 2 in the 43rd district. Invite your friends and family to play as a team, or just bring yourself and we can place you on a team!

Why you should come: Not only will trivia be extremely fun, it will also be a great opportunity to see and play with friends, new or old, and family whom you may not be able to see as often due to the pandemic. This will also be an amazing opportunity to learn about and support a local candidate DSA has recently endorsed in a low barrier way.

About Sherae: Sherae Lascelles is a coalition builder, community legislator, consultant, and founding member of Decriminalize Seattle-- one of the groups leading the movement to defund SPD and Reinvest in Black Communities. Sherae is also a founder of two direct outreach community orgs, and is running a campaign of community empowerment and legislation by those most impacted rather than for those who have been systematically disenfranchised in electoral politics.

Our suggested donation amount to attend is $30.99, but we encourage you to inventory your privilege when donating and to consider donating to cover the cost of somebody who may not be able to. You do not need to donate to play!

This event is open to all. You don't need to be involved with SDSA and you don't even need to live in WA! So tell your friends, tell your families, tell your roommates, your coworkers – invite everyone you know to participate in this night of virtual trivia fun and positive impact!