Southeast Valley Organizing Roundtable (virtual)
Start: Wednesday, December 04, 2024• 7:00 PM
End: Wednesday, December 04, 2024• 8:30 PM
Location:Denny's•4248 S Signal Butte Rd, Mesa, AZ 85212 US
Host Contact Info:
There will be no specific agenda for this month's Roundtable. Instead, we will come together to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our local district this year - tremendous growth, turnout, volunteer recruitment, etc. We'll grieve together for the losses we share, for the disappointment of not having the America we want, and we'll plan together how to build the Resistance 2.0 necessary to contain the damage of the authoritarian.
The Biennial Reorganization Meeting is at the same location at 6:00 PM. All are welcome to attend, but only PCs are eligible to vote. We encourage ALL volunteers to become PCs. If you are regularly contributing to the party with your time and energy, then you deserve to have a voice and a vote in the party. The Democratic Party is structured with the power at the neighborhood level so that your voice and your vote carries all the way to the top of the party in Washington, DC.
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Paid for by AZ LD15 Dems. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.