Spirit AFA PHL Picket
Start: Friday, May 06, 2022• 9:00 AM
End: Friday, May 06, 2022•11:00 AM
Enough is Enough!
For months now, Spirit Flight Attendants have been stuck picking up the pieces and dealing with angry passengers after numerous operational meltdowns. These internal failures are not just one-offs, just last week Spirit management was forced, once again, to cancel over 30% of all flights leaving us stranded with little to no accommodation. This is the fourth operational meltdown in eight months.
We share the same concerns that much of the flying public does; every time we face an operational meltdown, passengers and crew have to scramble to find a hotel to stay in or sleep in airports overnight until we all find out what’s happening. This is not acceptable.
Spirit Flight Attendants are picketing Philadelphia Airport between the D-E concourses because this has gone on for far too long. We should not be forced to clean up Spirit’s messes while working 20+ hours with no answers and nowhere to lay our heads at the end of the day. Management needs to get the operation together, and stop making promises to passengers and crew you won't keep.