Town Hall with Sen Perdue during Congressional Recess

Start: Tuesday, February 21, 201712:30 PM

We don't want Senator Perdue to be embarrassed -- he might be one of very few senators who has not scheduled a Town Hall Meeting with his constituents this week during the Congressional recess. We don't want Sen Perdue to be afraid-- we know there have been angry constituents at other Town Hall Meetings recently, but we are not like that. Sen Perdue, we are making this easy for you. Don't be afraid and don't be embarrassed. Don't tell us you are too busy and don't tell us you can't spare one single day in your home state with your constituents during these first 100 days of this presidency. Tell us you aren't ignoring us. We have expressed for more than four weeks our need to have a dialogue with you about things that are happening in this new administration that concern us. You are our representative in Washington, elected by the people of Georgia, so there is no one else but you that should attend this Town Hall with us. Isn't it your duty to respond? We will be at our usual place, in front of your Atlanta office, on Tuesday Feb. 21. Contact us there and commit to a date for a Town Hall Meeting.