Town Hall with Senator Amy Klobuchar

Start: Friday, May 10, 2019 3:15 PM

As a member of AFT and NYSUT, you're invited to a member-only town hall in Yonkers on Friday, May 10 at 3:15 p.m.. with Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democratic candidate for president.

The town hall will be an opportunity for Sen. Klobuchar to not only hear directly from our members about the issues affecting their jobs lives, but also an opportunity for our members to ask her questions about her campaign and policy proposals.

This member-only town hall is one in a series of candidate and member events the AFT is holding across the country as part of our 2020 endorsement process. Earlier this month the AFT held a member townhall with Sen. Bernie Sanders in Lordstown, OH, and the AFT will be holding additional events in the coming weeks with other presidential candidates.

AFT’s presidential endorsement process is based on the fundamental principle that an endorsement is most powerful when it is rooted in member engagement and input – and for that, your input is needed.

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