Transport from Durham to Hassockfield

Start: Saturday, October 19, 202411:15 AM

Durham coach to Hassockfield/Derwentside
Saturday 19 October 2024

the No to Hassockfield campaign is organising coach travel from Durham to the national demonstration against detention on Saturday 19 October. Travel will be free for anyone who cannot afford to pay.

Use this form to reserve a seat. If you are booking for more than one person, please put the number of extra people (in addition to yourself) in the Additional Guests box.

If you can afford to pay, please use the donation form here.

Transport details

We will be travelling by coach from Durham city centre (location to be confirmed later), setting off at 11:20am. The journey to the detention centre takes about half an hour.

Accessible taxi

If you are unable to travel by coach, and require an accessible taxi, please contact the organisers via email by 12th October.

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