TUC Climate Justice preview event
Start: 2024-09-05 19:30:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)
This is a virtual event
Host Contact Info: claraclimate@gmail.com
The TUC Congress 2024 will be held in Brighton between 8th and 11th of September and many important debates will take place for the Trade Union movement, from workers' rights to Palestine, arms trade to Climate Justice. As it has been the case in the past 10 years, one of the most controversial debates will be on the climate crisis and what positions the Trade Union movement as whole adopt as policies. Is it jobs versus the environment or can the TU movement be united on one of the most important issue for the future of humanity?
We expect a divide between different unions' positions, especially on the issue of the future of Fossil Fuels and what solutions are the way forward. Join the Unite Grassroot Climate Justice Caucus and other partners to understand what is at stake, what are the likely controversies and explore if common ground can be found.
We will hear from speakers from different unions:
- John Moloney, Assistant General Secretary of PCS
- Mel Mullings, RMT London transport Regional Council's Green Officer
- Suzanne Jeffrey, NEU and chair of Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group
- Vicky Blake, UCU Climate and Ecological Emergency Committee Co-Chair and NEC member
- Liz Wheatley, UNISON National Executive Committee
- Ben Selby, Assistant General Secretary of FBU
- Ian Hodson, President of BFAWU (Bakers' Union)
- Chaired by Clara Paillard, from Unite Grassroot Climate Justice Caucus
Check out the TUC full agenda with amendments here and look out especially for motions 14 on workers' transition in the North sea (Unite), motion 17 on the Climate Emergency (UNISON), motion 18 on Climate Change (PCS) with a GMB proposed amendment, motion 19 on Climate Change & workers' health (BFAWU), motion 15 on Industrial Strategy (GMB), motion 21 on UK Steel (Community) and motion 29 on Rail freight decarbonisation (ASLEF).
This event is cosponsored by Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group (CACCTU) and the Greener Jobs Alliance (GJA).
CACCTU will be holding an in-person fringe event at TUC Congress on Sunday 8 Sept 6.30pm, room 1c - What should a new government do for jobs and climate in a climate crisis?