Tuesday National Guided Phonebank - April 13

Start: 2021-04-13 14:00:00 UTC Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-08:00)

End: 2021-04-13 16:00:00 UTC Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-08:00)

This is a virtual event

Welcome to our Tuesday Guided Phonebank!

Over the past several weeks we called Georgia voters of color in key state Senate and House districts and connected them to their representatives' offices so they could voice their opposition to the voter suppression bills being considered in the state legislature.

Georgia's Legislative Session came to an end on March 31 and while one bad bill (SB202) was signed into law, we helped protect Georgia’s no-excuse absentee voting, automatic voter registration, and Sunday early voting in general elections. All of that would no longer exist in Georgia, were it not for the attention and pressure we helped create. Our advocacy calls also highlighted for each voter who their state representatives are and their efforts at disenfranchising voters of color.

We are now supporting a local group that fights for Energy Equity for people of color across Georgia.  We The Plug Tho is hosting virtual meetings through April to listen from Georgians about their problems with high energy bills, irregular service, pollution, and other issues.

Help us call Georgians to invite them to We The Plug Tho meetings in April. This is the first step in organizing so people can leverage their power to get the affordable, reliable, clean and sustainable energy they deserve.  It is also a great way to keep voters engaged and ready come election time.  Georgia remains an important target state and we know our work must be year-round.  We cannot take the foot off the gas between now and the midterms.

Check out this 7-min video with Wan Smith, We The Plug Tho co-founder and lead organizer.

You can get started and set up your CallHub account by going to our Phone Bank Central page.
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Danville, California
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Ruther Glen, VA