Walshaw Windfarm Community Assembly

Start: Sunday, November 17, 202411:00 AM

End: Sunday, November 17, 2024 3:00 PM

We are facing a climate and ecological emergency and must rapidly phase out our reliance on fossil fuels.

A large wind farm is proposed for Walshaw Moor near Hebden Bridge.

While wind energy (including onshore wind) is a crucial part of the transition to more sustainable forms of energy, the site’s protected status—home to endangered bird species and sensitive peatland—as well as the risk of flooding, raises significant concerns about the potential impact of the project.

The purpose of this event is not to decide whether the wind farm should go ahead, but to foster informed dialogue and provide expert insights into a variety of critical considerations surrounding this project.

Key Topics

Expert speakers will offer clear, informed overviews of:

  • The planning process
  • Energy and climate impacts
  • Peatlands and flood risks
  • Biodiversity
  • Landscape, leisure, and cultural heritage

Community Assembly

This assembly will:

  • Provide clear, reliable, and multifaceted information on the wind farm and its impacts
  • Encourage open and respectful discussions
  • Create space for differing opinions to be heard

Event Structure

  • Presentations and Q&A: Experts will present on the key topics, with opportunities for more in depth discussions with them during the event.
  • Group Discussions: Attendees will join small groups to discuss the issues with the assistance of facilitators.
  • Group Sharing: Each group will share their key takeaways with the full assembly.

This event has been organised and funded by local environmental groups Calderdale Green New Deal and Extinction Rebellion Calderdale. Funding has also been provided by Friends of the Earth

This event has been organised and funded by local environmental groups Calderdale Green New Deal and Extinction Rebellion Calderdale. Funding has also been provided by Friends of the Earth