White House Climate Strike - May 31st

Start: Friday, May 31, 201910:00 AM

End: Friday, May 31, 201912:00 PM

Welcome Climate Activists!

Please RSVP here to join the White Climate Strike this Friday, May 31st! Everyone will meet at the North Lawn of the White House at 9:00 am Eastern Standard Time. We can't wait to see your amazing signs and energy!

Also, our HASHTAG is #WhiteHouseClimateStrike remember to use this while you are taking pictures at the strike because we will be re-posting them and retweet them afterwards.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email Jerome Foster II at foster2.jerome@gmail.com or if you are seeking a speedy response, direct message him on Instagram or Twitter, his username is @JeromeFosterII on both platforms.

Event by
Jerome Foster Ii
Washington, United Kingdom
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