Worker Solidarity Day at Tacoma Art Museum

Start: Saturday, November 19, 202212:00 PM

Let’s support Tacoma Art Museum and the frontline workers who keep it running!

We’ll be:

  • Wearing union gear
  • Buying tickets
  • Appreciating the amazing art at TAM to let the Museum and staff know we have their back!

T-Shirt Giveaway!

The first 4 visitors who arrive wearing a union shirt, button or hat will get a free TAM Workers United T-Shirt.

Why come?

TAM workers are requesting voluntary recognition of their union from the museum board and leadership, a request that has not yet been granted despite 675+ allies writing in solidarity and 150+ community members attending our rally on 10/29.

We need more visible shows of solidarity to keep the pressure on!

TAM workers are seeking to join AFSCME Council 28/WFSE as TAM Workers United for livable wages, safe working conditions, transparency and accountability from management, and respect on the job.

Learn more about their fight at: