Writing Letters for Voter Registration

Start: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 5:00 PM

End: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 7:00 PM

Flip the Vote continues our effort to encourage Floridians to registration to vote! Join us as we write letters to potential voters in purple districts. This is a proven tactic to build voter rolls and a Blue Wave for Florida and the nation in 2020.

RSVP now --- We're meeting at Queen City Brewery, next to Pizza44 on Pine Street. We'll be in the big front room on Pine. Grab a beer in the QC tasting room in back, and get ready to write letters!

If you are available June 11, please join us.

Don't be discouraged; Turn being blue into Being Blue.

Event by
Jeanne Keller
Burlington, Vermont
Sponsored by
Burlington, VT