Accompaniment Volunteer

The Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network accompaniment program recruits and trains volunteers to accompany people navigating the pipelines of the immigration machine;  to their immigration hearings at the NW ICE Processing Center, USCIS appointments, and civil courthouse matters.

This provides support to the person navigating the constellations and enables volunteers to hold immigration and courthouse personnel authorities accountable. Standing in solidarity with immigrants facing deportation also demonstrates to immigration judges, ICE officers, and government attorneys that there is a community mobilized against their deportation.

How does it work? Sign up as an organization or individual to receive our training. You can receive training for a specific type of accompaniment or the entire program.

Once you are trained you become part of the accompaniment program! You'll learn about upcoming accompaniments and can begin walking side by side with our immigrant community.

Collaborating Organizations:

• Church Council of Greater Seattle

• Central Washington Justice For Our Neighbors

• Spokane Immigrant Rights Coalition

• Walla Walla Immigrant Rights Coalition

• Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

• Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center

• Washington Defenders Association

• Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice NW

• Central & Southeast Seattle Interfaith Migrant Rights Network