Add your name: Pledge to resist Trump

Add your name: Pledge to resist Trump. Pledge to resist his agenda of hate and stand up for the people he targets.

And then ask your friends and family to do the same. We need all of us in this fight.

Trump is a racist, sexist, fascist xenophobe who stirs up fear about difference -- and a lot of people elected him. We have a long road ahead, even to keep what the progressive movement has gained. But we're in it together.

Our allies at mobilized to start a massive pledge of resistance. Daily Kos is joining this call in solidarity, with a similar pledge. Please join us.

Add your name to take our pledge:

"I pledge to resist Trump. I pledge to resist his agenda of hate and stand up for the people he targets.

I pledge to stand with our community: immigrants; frontline people who will be the first to suffer the worst of climate chaos; Black and brown and Native folks and other people of color; Muslims (and other non-Christians); LGBTQ people; women; disabled people; sexual assault survivors; people who need abortions; low-income people; and people who are uninsured, unhoused, or incarcerated. Our diverse community is powerful and I pledge to do what I can to protect it.

I pledge to stand up for you, and for me, against Trump.

I pledge to confront bullies whenever I see them. I pledge to love in the face of hate, and also to resist and stop Trump -- together."
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