Co-Sponsor The Berta Cáceres Human Rights in Honduras Act!

The violent crackdown on anti-fraud protesters and social leaders since the November 26th, 2017 elections have made the Berta Cáceres Act more urgent than ever. Honduran security forces have been implicated in the deaths of more than 35 people since the elections, as well as systematic torture, forced disappearances, and massive criminalization of the people who are exercising their fundamental rights to free expression and assembly. That US taxpayer dollars are paying for this brutal repression, and US companies are profiting from it, is unconscionable.
The Berta Cáceres Act is a landmark bill introduced by Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) and currently co-sponsored by 70 Members of the House of Representatives. The Berta Cáceres Act has found broad support including endorsements by the AFL-CIO, the Sierra Club, the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), and over a hundred other faith, labor, environmental, and human rights organizations. Berta's family and organization COPINH immediately applauded the action, and hundreds of Honduran human rights organizations have since endorsed the Act.
The bill states: "The Honduran police are widely established to be deeply corrupt and to commit human rights abuses, including torture, rape, illegal detention, and murder, with impunity” and that the military has committed violations of human rights. Therefore, the bill asks that the United States suspend all “ assistance to Honduran military and police until such time as human rights violations by Honduran state security forces cease and their perpetrators are brought to justice.”
Please call your Representative NOW and ask to speak to his/her Foreign Policy Aide! Because the bill has been re-introduced, all of the bill’s co-sponsors will need to co-sponsor again! If your representative has not yet signed, call them and ask them to add their support as a sponsor of the bill!
Script: “My name is _____. I'm a constituent from (your town/city) in (your state), and I'm calling to ask Rep. _____ to co-sponsor H.R. 1299, The Berta Cáceres Human Rights in Honduras Act, calling for a suspension of U.S. security aid to Honduras until human rights violations committed by the Honduran security forces cease. Has Rep. _______ seen this bill? Can I count on him/her to sign on? Please call me this week at (your phone number) to let me know if you have seen the letter, and if Rep. _____ will sign it.”
In your phone conversation, please highlight why this bill is important to you, especially if you have traveled to Honduras or heard a Honduran speaker in your community. And please share this action widely!
Thank you for your advocacy at this critical time!
1) Johnson, Hank [GA-4]
2) Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-13]
3) Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9]
4) Serrano, Jose E. [NY-15]
5) Schakowsky, Janice [IL-9]
6) Ellison, Keith [MN-5]
7) Lee, Barbara [CA-13]
8) Davis, Susan A. [CA-53]
9) Speier, Jackie [CA-14]
10) Moore, Gwen [WI-4]
11) McCollum, Betty [MN-4]
12) Lipinski, Daniel [IL-3]
13) Dingell, Debbie [MI-12]
14) Pocan, Mark [WI-2]
15) Holmes Norton, Eleanor [DC]
16) Napolitano, Grace F. [CA-32]
17) Bonamici, Suzanne [OR-1]
18) DeLauro, Rosa L. [CT-3]
19) Gutierrez, Luis V. [IL-4]
20) Cicilline, David N. [RI-1]
21) Pingree, Chellie [ME-1]
22) Blumenauer, Earl [OR-3]
23) Rush, Bobby L. [IL-1]
24) Tonko, Paul [NY-20]
25) Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-3]
26) Slaughter, Louise [NY-25]
27) Waters, Maxine [CA-43]
28) Velázquez, Nydia [NY-7]
29) Kind, Ron [WI-3]
30) Lynch, Stephen [MA-8]
31) Lacy Clay, William [MO-1]
32) Polis, Jared [CO-2]
33) McGovern, Jim [MA-2]
34) Davis, Danny K. [IL-7]
35) Lewis, John [GA-5]
36) Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-18]
37) Chu, Judy [CA-27]
38) DeFazio, Peter A. [OR-4]
39) Yarmuth, John A. [KY-3]
40) Nolan, Richard [MN-8]
41) Clark, Katherine [MA-5]
42) Pallone, Frank, Jr. [NJ-6]
43) Beyer, Donald S., Jr. [VA-8]
44) O'Rourke, Beto [TX-16]
45) Cartwright, Matt [PA-17]
46) Panetta, Jimmy [CA-20]
47) DeSaulnier, Mark [CA-11]
48) Lowenthal, Alan [CA-47]
49) Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-12]
50) Quigley, Mike [IL-5]
51) Keating, William R. [MA-9]
52) Lieu, Ted [CA-33]
53) Foster, Bill [IL-11]
54) Cleaver, Emanuel [MO-5]
55) DelBene, Suzan K. [WA-1]
56) Neal, Richard E. [MA-1]
57) Lofgren, Zoe [CA-19]
58) Raskin, Jamie [MD-8]
59) Ryan, Tim [OH-13]
60) Himes, James A. [CT-4]
61) Capuano, Michael E. [MA-7]
62) Jayapal, Pramila [WA-7]
63) Rice, Kathleen M. [NY-4]
64) Welch, Peter [VT - At Large]
65) Khanna, Ro [CA-17]
66) Doyle, Michael F. [PA-14]
67) Crowley, Joseph [NY-14]
68) Kennedy, Joseph P. [MA-4]
69) Barragan, Nanette Diaz [CA-44]
70) Tsongas, Niki [MA-3]
71) Moulton, Seth [MA-6]