Call for safer road crossings to access Sidwell's Pool and Bus Station

Dangerous crossings near Sidwell's pool, Vue cinema & the bus station
Add your voice to a call for action
Many people walking to and from St Sidwell’s Point pool, the new bus station and Vue Cinema, have to cross Paris St and Cheeke St using crossings without controlled lights for pedestrians and cyclists to cross. People have told us that they find these crossings dangerous. We agree with them and want the Council to take action to improve these crossings.
Share your views here, call for safer crossings
Please share your views by responding to this 60 second survey to help us build a case for improved crossings
You can read more about why action is needed here
Thank you!
Andy Ketchin Exeter Green Party Campaigner for Newtown & St Leonards
Tess Read & Diana Moore, Green Councillors, St David's.