Call-in to Hochul and Heastie Demanding CDPA in Home Care

Phone image with "Care NOT Cuts" and "Save CDPA" next to picture of Governor Hochul

We’re at a crucial moment in the fight to save the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPA). Last week 400 of us delivered 4000+ letters to the Governor to protest the Governor’s decision to hand over CDPA to a corporation that has been a disaster in other states.

In Hochul’s home town of Buffalo, 100 of us marched through the streets to her office. In Albany, we disrupted her team — including the Lt. Governor and Health Commissioner. We rallied in Yonkers, Manhattan and the Bronx.

We’re backing that up with calls to the offices of Governor Hochul and Assembly Speaker Heastie. After you make both calls, ask at least 4 other friends and family members to make the calls too.

  • Governor Kathy Hochul’s office: 518-474-8390 (press 1 to leave a message and 2 to speak to a person.)
  • Speaker of the State Assembly, Carl Heastie’s office: 718-654-6539

Make your call using the script below, let us know how it went using the form on this page, and then share this action with others using the social media tools you'll receive once you click submit.

The Governor and Speaker of the State Assembly need to know we won’t stop until they drop this ridiculous plan, and do the right thing for home care workers and consumers.

We’re asking everyone we know to call Governor Hochul and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and demand care not cuts! Specifically:

1. Stop the Single F.I. plan. The Governor’s plan will decimate the popular and essential Consumer Directed Program. Workers and consumers have been working on *real* solutions for home care. The Governor needs to listen to us.

2. Meet with Caring Majority members to respond to the 4,000 letters we delivered last week, and discuss why NY needs Care NOT Cuts.

SCRIPT: My name is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY/TOWN]. I'm a member of the Caring Majority and I'm calling to urge [HOCHUL or HEASTIE] to immediately stop the move to a single F.I. Your office needs to meet with Caring Majority members to hear our solutions for steps forward. CDPA is important to me because [XXX]. Our state continues to have the worst home care workforce shortage in the nation. The single F.I. plan will only worsen the crisis, forcing disabled people and older adults into nursing homes. Can we count on you to protect CDPA? Thank you.


For more details on the Single F.I. plan, check out the great coverage by News 10.

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