Call your Representative!

Today the House of Representatives will vote on two bills directly targeting our members and their communities by giving the Trump Administration expanded authority to carry out its mass deportation agenda. We need to act right now to stop these bills.

Make a call to your representative and tell them to vote NO on both of the following bills:

The first bill, “No Sanctuary for Criminals Act,” would make it easier for the government to detain immigrants by forcing cities and localities to comply with ICE and federal immigration enforcement or risk losing federal funding.  

The second bill, “Kate’s Law,” would result in higher levels of incarceration for immigrants by dramatically increasing criminal sentencing for reentry cases.

Call: 202-629-0434


Below you can find suggested language for your phone call. Please feel free to personalize this as you wish:

“Hello, my name is ___ and I am calling Representative __ to urge them to vote NO on the “No Sanctuary for Criminals Act” and “Kate’s Law” bills. These bills will terrorize our immigrant friends and families. This is not who we are and we will not stand for this. I expect my representative to vote NO.”

Thanks for taking action!

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