Cities Must Use COVID-19 Funding on COVID, Not Cops

We are writing in response to President Biden urging cities to spend COVID-19 relief money from last year’s American Rescue Plan on law enforcement. This comes at a time when cases are once again surging, current federal funding to address the pandemic is dwindling, and prospects of further funding unlikely.

To take funding intended for prevention and care and instead use it on punitive policing  is unacceptable. To do so in the midst of an ongoing devastating public health emergency is unconscionable. Misspending this funding on policing is especially unjust as those incarcerated and targeted by the criminal justice system are also given inadequate public health protections and are most at-risk during this pandemic.

Insufficient public health investment in the US is part of why the pandemic is still ongoing. We demand an end to the US’s failed pandemic response, that President Biden demand appropriate use of this funding to further stop spread, and for this funding to be equitably deployed. Only by doing this will our pandemic response be able to save the most lives, prevent more long COVID, and ensure more equitable public health outcomes.

Please join us by signing onto this open letter.
Individuals and organizations both welcome.

Form by
Pan EndIt
Phoenix, Arizona
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