Do You Vote in Georgia? We Want to Hear From You!

We have some frustrating news for Georgia voters, but we also have a plan and need your help.

A law (SB 189) passed this year which makes absentee military voters more vulnerable to having their voter registration status challenged and purged, without knowledge or the ability to defend themselves. Under the new law, someone can challenge a voter’s registration status for something as simple and commonplace as changing the mailing address where a voter receives their absentee ballot. Of course, military voters change mailing addresses all the time as we move all around the world! Additionally, if a voter’s address is a PO Box, or an on-base address, this can also open up that voter to a challenge.

This law threatens our community's access to the ballot box, so we're going to fight back.

Our organization wants to challenge the state of Georgia to repeal this new law to make sure everyone in our community keeps their voting rights. But in order to do so, we would need help from folks in our network who could be impacted.

So! If you're an absentee Georgia voter, we want to talk to you and hear your story. Join us! Get involved and help us change this law to make it easier for the military community to vote.