We Support GCS Bus Drivers!

Bus drivers from Guilford County Schools announced that they will be taking action on Monday, November 25 for better wages and working conditions.
As a parent in Guilford County Schools, I know that bus drivers work under extremely difficult conditions while performing one of the most important safety roles in the district.
Please sign this form in support of these bus drivers in our schools! We will share the results with the Guilford County Commissioners and the Guilford County School Board.
These are some of the difficult conditions bus drivers face in our school district:
1. In our school district, wages paid to many bus drivers and other classified employees are not enough to meet their families' basic needs. Many have no health insurance because they are underemployed by the school system and do not qualify for the State Health Care Plan.
2. The NC General Assembly adjourned without passing ANY educator pay raises. Prior to adjourning, the Senate was offering 1% at best for classified staff.
3. The NC General Assembly adjourned without passing Medicaid Expansion, which would have given healthcare to 600,000 North Carolinians and 35,000 residents of Guilford County including many of our GCS bus drivers and cafeteria workers.
4. The Guilford County Commissioners failed to fund the GCS budget request by $6 million, which included $1 million which was specifically allocated for bus driver pay.
5. Guilford County is facing a bus driver shortage. On any given day, we are running 35-50 drivers short. Many drivers are having to drive double and triple routes, often with no additional pay.
Source: Guilford County Association of Educators
Please join us and spread the word about these events:
Thursday, Nov. 21, 5 - 6:30 pm: Support GCS Bus Drivers: Chalk Your Car at County Commission Mtg
Sunday, Nov. 24, 1 - 3 pm: Support GCS Bus Drivers: Chalking Drive-Thru and Hang Out