Georgia, Every Vote Must Count!

As voters, we turned out in record numbers, despite a pandemic, an economic collapse, and attempts to stop us. Now, people across the state of Georgia are coming together to make sure that every vote counts.

Voters in Georgia overcame so many obstacles to cast our ballots this year in record numbers. Counting every vote isn’t about who wins the elections; it’s about honoring principles of democracy, self-determination, and our right to vote. Election officials, our community members, have a duty to count each vote.

Here are some things you can do to make sure all votes are counted:

  1. Track your ballot. If you voted by mail or by provisional ballot, track your ballot at to make sure your ballot is reviewed and accepted. If election officials identify issues with your ballot, you may be able to correct it. Call the Election Protection hotline at 866-687-8683 to get help!
  2. Sign the pledge. We'll follow up with you to keep you up-to-date on the status of counting every vote in Georgia, and other ways we can push for a healthy democracy.

This isn’t over until every vote is reviewed and counted. Our democracy is working when election officials take time to review and count every ballot. Accuracy and fairness are more important than speed, and our communities WILL be heard!

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