Get your West of England Metro Mayor candidate assessment!

On 6th May 2021 we will elect a new mayor for the West of England.

In the run up to the election activists from Friends of the Earth and allied climate action groups came together to form West of England Climate Action. Our aim was to use the opportunity of the election to push the candidates to commit to concrete action for climate justice and green jobs in our region.

This has included forming a wide coalition for green jobs with community, business and trade union partners, an illumination stunt at Bristol amphitheatre, hosting hustings with other allies, meeting with the candidates personally and various elements of community outreach and engagement.

This candidate assessment is the final act of our pre-election campaign and aims to inform you of the candidates positions on climate action, helping you to make your decision on who to vote for.

Fill this form in to get your copy!

Thank you for downloading and voting for climate action.