Green Party of New Jersey Calls for NJ to Honor Indigenous Peoples Day

Columbus Day is intended to celebrate the "discovery" of a "new" continent by Europeans, which led to colonization and the founding of the United States of America. This Euro-centric perspective marginalizes the reality of Indigenous peoples, and perpetuates a false sense of patriotism at their expense. The Green Party of New Jersey does NOT support celebrating the genocide and other atrocities committed by Europeans, and later the U.S. government, against Indigenous peoples.

GPNJ calls for the upcoming holiday to be renamed Indigenous People's Day. This holiday should be refocused to bring into mainstream American consciousness the continued existence of Indigenous peoples in North America, both as individuals and as sovereign nations. It may include a celebration of Indigenous cultures and the crucial roles Indigenous peoples play in protecting our environment - including our water. Most importantly, Indigenous Peoples Day should draw attention to the treaties made between the United States and Indigenous nations, which are being ignored by all branches and levels of the U.S. government.

Join Us In Our Call For New Jersey to celebrate Indigenous People's Day!