Urge the House Ethics Committee to investigate Rep. Richie Neal

Just before Thanksgiving, POLITICO reported that Rep. Richie Neal's son, Brendan Neal, worked as a lobbyist on issues before his father’s committee. These same businesses went on to secure direct wins through Rep. Neal’s legislation, including tax deductions for trial lawyers and tax breaks for specific insurance contracts.

This isn’t the first time Rep. Neal has seemingly taken part in a pay-to-play scheme. As far back as 2019, he was questioned for wining and dining wealthy donors who had business before the Ways and Means Committee.

There definitely seems to be a pattern here.

Republicans want to extend Trump’s tax code next year, and when they do, Democrats need to be front and center in opposing and exposing their trillions in giveaways to corporations and the ultra-wealthy.

If Democrats want to succeed, they cannot have their Ranking Member on the Ways and Means Committee be a poster child for corporate handouts and potential corruption.

Donald Trump wants to turn our country into an oligarchy. We must have uncompromised leadership leading this fight to stop him.

Only an ethics investigation can clear Rep. Neal’s name.

The American people need to know whose side Rep. Neal is actually on. Join us in calling on the House Ethics Committee to begin an investigation into Richie Neal by adding your name now.