Indiana Faith Leaders Oppose Restarting Executions

Faith Leaders

A Joint Letter from Indiana Faith Leaders: Add Your Name:

Dear Governor Holcomb:

We, the undersigned faith leaders from Indiana, urge you to immediately halt the resumption of executions in Indiana. You can end this today.  

Though we have different backgrounds, we share concerns about the treatment of the seriously mentally ill, the execution of the innocent, the impact of executions on IDOC workers, the harm caused to victims’ families by the long capital case process, and the ongoing biases in the death penalty system. But most of all, we share the belief that all life is sacred.

We believe that the enormous pain and suffering of the victims and their family members should not be forgotten and cannot be dismissed. We pray for these victims and support them and their families pastorally. We also acknowledge the necessity of civil authorities to protect and safeguard society and to demand accountability. We believe, however, that it is possible to do so without having to resort to capital punishment.

Our call to refrain from restarting executions in Indiana is an expression of our desire to honor the sacred dignity of all people, including both victims and those who have caused immeasurable harm. Like many of Indiana’s civil leaders who share our values, we long to see the mercy, compassion, equity, and justice of God reflected in public policies that promote safety, human dignity, and healing for all Hoosiers.

As faith leaders, we are called to recognize the value of every human life. The death penalty is at odds with recognizing the inherent human dignity in every person.  

Together, we prayerfully urge you to consider pausing executions in our great state of Indiana. We say in one voice: “Not in our name.”

We plan to share our commitment to ending capital punishment with our members and will be encouraging them to discern their role in upholding this vision.


The Undersigned