Instructions for calling your Congressional representative

You can reach the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the office you request.

Here is a sample script you can use for your call:

Hi, this is NAME and I’m a constituent of Representative ___________. I’m calling to urge the Representative to support bill H.R. 40, titled the “Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act”.

America’s wealth was built through genocide, slavery, and the oppression of BIPOC communities, especially the Black community. The federal government can not and should not escape responsibility for its continuous role in exploiting Black people and their labor, creating and widening the wage gap, and endangering public health and safety through environmental abuses, public health inequities, and climate denial policies.

It is long overdue for Congress to assess the racist harm done and create a reparations plan that makes corporations pay for their centuries of harm to the Black community. Reparations are so important to me, because [Speak from the heart about why you support H.R. 40 and reparations].

As the racial wealth gap continues to grow in communities across the U.S., the creation of the reparations commission and action to rectify the U.S.’s legacy of white supremacy is absolutely critical. I urge Representative ___________ to take a strong stand in support of the Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act. Thank you for your time.

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