Join Fossil Free UoB!

We are a group at the University of Birmingham campaigning to get our University to join the 21 other Russel Group Universities who have already pledged to withdraw their investments in fossil fuels.

Why campaign at UoB?
Our institutions have a responsibility to their students. UoB is neglecting these responsibilities by allowing its money to be managed externally without transparency, and be put in environmentally damaging funds. Join us to change this.

Who are we?

We are a coalition of student groups and students from across the University committed to putting pressure on UoB to take all of their money out of fossil fuels. We aim to build on the work done by the previous Fossil Free campaign that began in 2015 and culminated in a petition in 2019 where they got together over 1000 signatures from students, staff and alumni. Transparency is a key focus of our campaign.

If you are a representative of a society, sign up here instead

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