Join Macquarie Alliance for Climate
How to join or stay in touch with Macquare Alliance for Climate:
- Completing the form will add you to our mailing list to hear from us occaisionally.
- If you or your group would like to join Macquarie Alliance for Climate, please complete the form listing your group name so we can get in touch to discuss.
- If you would like to help with with organsing tasks or attend planning meetings, please ask to be added to our organising community on Google Groups.
- You can also follow the group on Facebook.
Who are we?
The Macquarie Alliance for Climate is a coalition of people and groups in the Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains who want to see Australia take urgent, meaningful action on climate change. We formed in 2021 and have representatives from a range of groups, including:
- Hawkesbury Environment Network
- Blue Mountains Conservation Society
- Macquarie Electorate Student Climate Activists (MESCA)
- Resilient Blue Mountains
- The Gathering - A faith-community of the Uniting Church
- Christians Together for Climate - Western Sydney & Blue Mountains
- Hawkesbury Climate Action Network
- Stop Adani Hawkesbury
- Macquarie Action Group (GetUp Volunteers)
- with more groups joining every week....
We are a non-partisan collaboration that formed to demonstrate to all federal political parties, that in the seat of Macquarie there is overwhelming support for urgent action on climate.
Since the 2022 federal election, our focus has turned to maintaining communication as an alliance with Susan Templeman our re-elected Member of Parliament, and building communication across the alliance for collaboration.