Join SFI's Campaign for PCS Safety

Secure Families Initiative is proud to announce the launch of its “Campaign for PCS Safety,” a first-of-its-kind movement born out of the work of SFI’s Families of Color Caucuses. This Campaign aims to pass policies to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for military families of color, who move around the world at the direction of the military and in service to the United States.
A family’s identities and composition are rarely taken into account when the military decides where to move a military family, known as a Permanent Change of Station or “PCS.” And unfortunately, sometimes a PCS puts a family – especially families of color – into hostile locations and with ineffective support services. The Campaign for PCS Safety centers the lived experiences and voices of military families of color to advocate for policies to change this reality.
“The SFI Campaign for PCS Safety is the first instance of military families of color organizing strategically to address the safety and dignity of our Black, Hispanic, Asian American and Pacific Islander, and Native and Indigenous Peoples military families as they are forced to move around the globe,” said Brandi Jones, SFI Organizing Director and Chair of the SFI Caucuses.
When you join the Campaign, you will receive legislative updates, opportunities to share your stories, and important actions to move our issues forward.
The Campaign is open to all - whether you are an ally, have witnessed racism in our community, and/or have experienced it yourself.