Speak out against healthcare greed!

Health insurance companies make **hundreds of billions** of dollars **by denying you care.**

We know many of you are not able to access health care -- high co-pays and deductibles, denial of care, or unable to access insurance or health care at all.  

CCAG wants to hear your story and work with you to fight healthcare greed!

By coming together, we can protect the health care we have and make health care more accessible, affordable, and equitable for everyone.

There is power in our stories. What's your health care story?

  • Do you have health insurance?
  • Is it affordable? Do you have co-pays or deductibles?
  • Are you able to always get the care you and your family need?
  • Have your prescription drug costs skyrocketed?
  • Have you been hit with a surprise bill - after doing everything you could to stay "in-network"?
  • What would your life be like if you had better health care?

Fill out this form to share your story and join the fight. We will protect your privacy, and you can share your story anonymously if you wish.

We care about you and your story - we will never use any part of your story without your consent.  We will use your stories to tell lawmakers that enough is enough, and demand they prioritize your health over the greed of the healthcare system. We will also keep you informed about bills this legislative session on these issues, and of opportunities to take action this year and beyond.

We will also invite you to events to connect with other consumers and activists and share opportunities to testify and advance good policies and legislation.

Let’s be clear - in our current for-profit health care system, claims denials and medical debt are features, not bugs. Without changes to the underlying profit-seeking system, people will continue to be denied care and struggling to afford health care

Thanks for all you do!

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