Sign Epic's Petition to Work Safely from Home during the COVID-19 pandemic!
The source of Epic's culture has always been employees who believe in the company and its mission. Now, our mission is to protect each other so that we can better help the healthcare workers on the front lines.
Workers deserve to participate in decisions about what happens in the workplace. We reaffirm our legally protected right to voice our concerns about working conditions without fear of retaliation. We reaffirm our commitment to guarding the health of our customers, coworkers, families, and community. The right to work from home during the COVID-19 outbreak without reduction in pay is the right thing to do. The vast majority of workers can perform their job from the safety of home. Furthermore, workers should not be forced to pick between safety and a paycheck or reduction in pay.
We should not be forced into the office so we can help healthcare staff in our community work remotely. Community spread in Dane County is higher than it was in March. It is impossible to evaluate point #3 of Epic's daily health assessment (Have you had contact with a person who has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 within the last 14 days?) because we do not have a functional contact tracking system. Dane County continues to give itself a 'Red' status for community spread, with nearly 40% of people reporting they do not know where they acquired COVID.
When workplace conditions imposed by management undermine our mission, safety is compromised and our culture withers. Compelling employees to return to campus for "culture" is just another name for prioritizing productivity over safety. Epic's "culture" is not more important than the Dane County public order stating "Limit staff and customers in offices, facilities, and stores. All businesses should, to the greatest extent possible, facilitate remote work and other measures that limit the number of individuals present at an office, facility, or store."
Do Good. Put the patient at the heart. Let employees voluntarily select what is right for them.
Join us to Petition for:
- All employees to work from home for at least six months. Reevaluation should include open and honest lines of communication with employees providing feedback before reopening.
- No loss of healthcare coverage and benefits for employees who take a leave of absence. Epic should continue to cover the same percentage of their premiums.
- Stop channeling all COVID questions/discussions to a private email group, and allow workers to use internal forums such as Betelgeuse to have these conversations where others can also see them and respond.
- Employees who need to take public transportation to work should not be forced back to campus, face retaliation, nor unfair consequences.
This petition is only for Epic workers. Your signature will remain anonymous and will not be included within this petition when sent to the employer. We are asking for your contact information so we may send communications to you with pertinent updates. Please do not use your work email address.
*This petition was initiated by a group of concerned Epic workers.