Montgomery County Passed Rent Stabilization!
FAQs about Montgomery County Rent Stabilization
Does this law apply to my landlord?
Your landlord does NOT need to comply with this law if:
The property is located within the cities of Rockville, Gaithersburg, or Takoma Park (though Takoma Park has its own rent stabilization law). To check if your building is located within the incorporated cities of Rockville, Gaithersburg or Takoma Park, go to and type in your address. If the munif
Your unit was built within the last 23 years
Your building was substantially renovated within the last 15 years
Your landlord is a “natural person” (not a corporation or LLC) who owns only one or two units
To check if your building is located within the incorporated cities of Rockville, Gaithersburg or Takoma Park, go to and type in your address. If the municipality is ‘county,’ you are not in an incorporated municipality. You can also use MCAtlas to look up the year that your building was built.
For help figuring out if this law applies to you, contact
How much can my landlord increase my rent?
The exact limit on rent increases is the Consumer Price Index (a changing number) plus 3%, so the percentage will change from year to year on July 1. However, according to the law, the percentage can never be above 6%.
Based on the current Consumer Price Index (starting July 1, 2024), the limit on rent increases right now is 5.6%.
Are there any loopholes?
Even if your unit is covered by this law, your landlord may still be able to legally increase your rent above the limit. For example, when your landlord increases your rent by an amount less than what is allowed, they can “bank” or save the difference and add it on above the limit in a later year. Your landlord can “bank” increases with each lease renewal, but the total added amount, when it is applied later, cannot exceed 10%.
How much can my landlord charge me in fees?
This bill does not only stabilize rent, but it also limits how much your landlord can charge you in fees such as:
Application fee (can be no more than the actual cost of processing the application)
Pet fee (refundable pet deposit up to $300 and a $25 monthly pet fee per pet)
Parking fee (For an existing fee, max allowed increase is Consumer Price Index - currently 2.6% - and the fee can only be increased after 12 months. For a new parking fee, the limit is 10% of the lowest rent at the property)
Storage fees (No fee allowed for storage within, attached to, or associated with a unit)
Internet/cable (tenant must opt in and fee cannot be more than the actual cost)
Lost key/lockout fee (no more than $25)
When does this law take effect?
The rent stabilization law limitation on rent increases took effect as of July 24, 2024. The fee regulations take effect later on October 21, 2024.
How did this law get passed?
The Montgomery County Racial Equity Network and HOME Act Coalition organized for it! Normal people talked to their neighbors, testified before the county council, called and wrote the council and more and got the bill passed! Read the public statement we released after the council voted to pass the bill.
Preguntas mas frecuentes de estabilizacion de renta
Aplica esta ley a mi propietario?
Esta ley no aplica a su propietario si:
Su edificio esta ubicado en la ciudad de Rockville, Gaithersburg, o Takoma Park (pero Takoma Park tiene una ley de estabilizacion de renta propia)
Su unidad era construido en los ultimos 23 anos
Su edificio ha sido renovado de una manera sustancial en los ultimos 15 anos
Su propietario es una “persona natural” (y no es una corporacion) que solo tiene 1 o 2 unidades
Para solicitar ayuda averiguando si esta ley aplica a su edificio o su propietario, contacta
Cuanto se puede aumentar mi renta?
El limite en los aumentos de alquiler es el indice de precio del consumidor (una figura que cambia) mas 3%, asi que el porcentaje va a cambiar ano a ano en el 1 de julio. Mientras tanto, segun la ley, el porcentaje nunca puede exeder 6%.
Basado en el indice de precio del consumidor de hoy en dia, el limite cuando la ley entra en vigor sera 6%.
Hay algunas exepciones?
Aun si la ley aplica a su unidad, es posible que su propietario todavia puede aumentar su renta legalmente. Cuando su propietario aumente su renta menos que lo que esta permitido, pueden “bancar/ahorrar” la diferencia y agregarlo al limite en un otro ano. Su propietario puede ahorrar estos aumentos con cada nuevo contrato de arrendamiento, pero la cantidad total, cuando esta agregado mas tarde, no puede exeder 10%
Cuanto puede mi propietario cargar con las tarifas?
Este proyecto de ley no solo estabiliza la renta, sino que también limite los aumentos de las tarifas adicionales, como de estacionamiento y otras comodidades. El departamento de Vivienda y Vida Comunitaria harra las regulaciones, que todavia estan en el proceso de ser finalizados. Vamos a actualizar esta pagina de web cuando la informacion sobre las tarifas esta publicada. Para recibir las actualizaciones, unirse con Montgomery County DSA y vamos a enviar la informacion a su correo o celular cuando esta disponible.
Cuando entra en vigor esta ley?
Entrara en vigor en los mediatos de octubre 2023, dependiendo de la aprobacion de las regulaciones.
Como pasaron esta ley?
El Red de Equidad Racial de Montgomery County y coalicion del HOME Act organizaron y lucharon para pasar esta ley. Personas regulares hablaban con sus vecinos, testificaron ante el consejal del contado, llamaron y escribieron cartas y mas y en fin ganaron. Se puede leer el anuncio que publicamos despues del voto final para aprobar el proyecto de ley