National Call-In Day against the Trans-Pacific Partnership to members of Congress

Thank you for taking the time to call your member of Congress on defeating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) when it comes to a vote during the lame duck session.

If you were unable to obtain your member of Congress' phone number, the Capitol Hill switchboard is (202) 224-3121. Here is the script we are asking everyone to say:

"I am your constituent, and am angry that corporations want Congress to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership during the lame duck session—when people are not paying attention.

I am particularly alarmed that the TPP would allow the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)—a panel of corporate lawyers—to overrule environmental, worker & food safety protections that corporations don't like.

Please make a public commitment to vote NO on the TPP when it comes to a vote."

After making this phone call, please fill out this form so we can tally the number of calls. Please also let us know which member you called, and how the call went.

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