Tell Labour to make the right choice for oil and gas workers

Oil and Gas No Ban Without a Plan

Back the Unite for a Workers' Economy campaign, and demand:

1. Oil and gas workers must not become the coal miners of this generation. We need to ensure adequate investment so that workers are not made to pay the price for the transition to greener energy.

2. Entire communities are not left to face unemployment and devastation. These types of transitions must have workers at their heart. This time around, there must be a rock-solid, cast-iron plan for jobs.

3. Climate change is a threat to humanity, but it cannot be the workers, the working class, who lose out in the transition.

We need a concrete plan and serious investment. Unite has a plan to create 35,000 commensurate new energy transition jobs in Scotland by 2030.

It's time to work towards a self-sufficient energy system – with 75 per cent local content of energy – harnessing public sector purchasing power to benefit local communities and workers in Scotland. No more profiteering, with global market chaos pushing up bills and threatening our future. It’s time for Labour to do the right thing by North Sea workers. No ban without a plan.

We are up to 5,602 signers! Add your name now and help us get to 6,000.

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Thank you for your interest and for supporting Unite's campaign | This petition will be shared with The Labour Party, 20 Rushworth Street, SE1 0SS