POLITICS IS BROKEN – The Umbrella March

Everyone knows that politics is broken. Labour got the lowest vote share for a winning government in modern history. They don’t work for ordinary people, they work for corporations and billionaires.

People in the UK are kind, tough, and creative. Our communities are holding society together.

Meanwhile, the government is working hard to freeze pensioners, starve kids, and sell off our NHS. They sell weapons to Israel while driving us to climate hell.

What is the point of a Labour government if they won’t go after slum landlords, tackle climate breakdown, or tax the rich to fix inequality? What did we vote for? It’s time to put this right.

We need a revolution in how we make decisions, empowering ordinary people to decide their own futures through citizen-led assemblies.

We demand:

  • Stop arming Israel

  • Tax the rich to end inequality

  • House of the People to replace the House of Lords

  • End political corruption: investigate the real criminals

  • Just Stop Oil by 2030

On Saturday 2nd November we march on Parliament to tell Labour they can #BinTheBudget. Then we’ll decide what should be done with a properly democratic Assembly, and then we’ll have a party to seal the deal.



It’s time for us to come together and show that we won’t take this. That’s why we’re taking part in this day of action – and we’re encouraging you to save the date!

  • Parliament Square
  • Saturday November 2nd
  • 1.30pm

People's Assembly & After Party

We know that a demonstration then going home doesn’t change much. So at 4pm we will head on to a secret venue - (to be communicated on the day). There will be a banquet of home cooked free food, and space to chill, connect and socialise.

We’ll have an Assembly where everyone gets a chance to speak up, and we agree on what steps to take next. This day of action is how we create collective power. We will share a feeling of electricity and plan serious next steps.

Then there will be live performers at the after party (same location) and we can unwind and connect properly.

Get your tickets here (booking essential)

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