Seniors for Climate Pledge

On October 1st 2024, Seniors for Climate will hold Climate Action events in almost 60 communities across Canada! (You can find them on our map of event locations.) All of this has come together in a few short months, demonstrating the power of seniors when we join forces. And it’s only the beginning! Together we can make a difference by calling attention to the climate crisis and what Canada needs to do!

Join us by signing this commitment to your own individual action and to continued collaboration with other climate activists in your community. And please ask others to join us too -- it's easy with the sharing tools on the next screen.  

Seniors for Climate Pledge

I share a vision of possibility, a hopeful look forward to what our shared planet could become. I will help to make common cause for the common good.

I will celebrate the beauty of the natural world. All of us depend on it and need to share its abundance equally.

I understand that climate breakdown affects us all. And I commit to protecting all of us from this threat. This includes all living things that share our Earth.

In pledging support to future generations, I recognize the debt we owe to Indigenous wisdom: the decisions we make today must assure a better future for the seven generations that will come after us. I will bring my skills, compassion and resources to join with others in a movement for environmental justice. I pledge to use my voice and my vote to protect future generations.

Later Is Too Late!

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