Show up and speak out for net neutrality!

RSVP now to show up and speak out for net neutrality!

Here’s what you can do on Wednesday, July 12th in your community to defend net neutrality:

  • Show up on Wednesday at 6:00pm local time and gather in front of your Congressional representative’s closest office holding signs or phones, computers, and tablets open to (which turns your device into a handy protest sign!) You can also bring your own handmade sign too! Our basic message is: “Defend the free and open Internet, reject the FCC’s plan to kill net neutrality!”

    You can use this document to find your closest member of Congress' office.

  • Be energetic, but positive! We’re angry that politicians don’t understand the Internet or how it works while ISPs like Comcast want to destroy the open Internet. In response, we must educate the public, lawmakers, and the press about WHY net neutrality is important. So let’s channel our anger into action!

  • SNAP A SELFIE FOR NET NEUTRALITY: Take a selfie of yourself or your group in front of your Congressional representative’s office and tweet them, for example “Defend the free and open Internet @MarshaBlackburn, reject the FCC’s plan to repeal #NetNeutrality”

    You can use this document to find your member of Congress' Twitter handle.

Today up until July 12th:

  • Message, call, & text everyone you know to come show support. It really works!

  • Let us know if you’ll have time to do more outreach and we can further assist you:

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