Sign if you are “Voting Blue—No Matter Who”

As the 2016 elections heat up, Democrats look forward to winning in November. Voter debates during primary season are expected—but after a nominee is chosen, we party-up, unify, and grow stronger.

On occasion, a left-wing voter proclaims he/she will not vote unless their candidate wins the nomination. That is the same as giving their vote to any given racist misogynistic, homophobic Republican like Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. At greater risk, not voting will allow Republicans to appoint ultra-conservative justices to serve on the Supreme Court to pass extremist laws that last centuries.

The GOP will tear apart the rights of women, LGBT, people of color, children, unions, educators … Through corporate greed and bribery, Republicans will destroy our lands and pollute our water so that “the rich get richer and the poor to get poorer.”

Too much is at stake in 2016 to sit the election out. Sign here to pledge now to “Vote Blue—No Matter Who.”

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