Sign now: It's time to pass HR 1384 - The Medicare for All Act of 2019
To win Medicare for All, we have to build a people-powered movement so big and so dedicated that we can overwhelm the corporate interests and establishment politicians that are lined up against us.
If we win, it will be one of the biggest achievements ever for the people in this country. It will save lives and drastically improve people’s health. It will dramatically reshape our economy and refound health care on the basis of human need, not on corporate greed.
To do this, we will need to organize one of the biggest social movements this country has ever seen. We need to build a movement that draws its strength from people power. A movement led by working and middle class people going up against the corporations, Wall Street, and right wing politicians to take back our power and win for people in the U.S. what every other developed nation in the world provides - guaranteed health care for all.
Join us to let us know you're with us in this fight.