Commit to Long COVID Justice

Pandemics Are Chronic: A statement of commitment to Long COVID justice
We must end practices and policies that ignore, marginalize and deprioritize chronically-ill and disabled people.
Pandemics are chronic. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, our world is significantly more disabled and chronically-ill.
As we saw with HIV/AIDS, disease outbreaks expose the need for large-scale change in healthcare, public health, and other unjust structures.
Yet even as the pandemic continues to claim lives, we are pressured to return to a “business as normal” that has never centered the needs of disabled and chronically ill people.
>>> Commit to Long COVID justice: sign the pledge >>>
We must end practices and policies that ignore, and further marginalize, disabled and chronically-ill people. Long COVID Justice asks you to join us in a pledge:
- To include Long COVID in the narrative of the COVID-19 pandemic; we cannot tell the story of COVID without discussing Long COVID.
- To center, platform, and resource those with Long COVID, complex chronic illnesses, and other disabilities at the forefront of policy, advocacy, and action related to these issues.
- To work to end the marginalization of disabled and chronically-ill people, which is a constant and widespread harm, existing outside of and across all aspects of pandemics.
- To recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic and Long COVID have disproportionately impacted already marginalized communities, including Black, Brown, Indigenous, and transgender communities.
We are experiencing a mass disabling event, and disabled people and those with Long COVID must be at the forefront of addressing this unprecedented moment.
(Read the full version of the pledge here)
>>> Commit to Long COVID justice: sign the pledge >>>
List of Initiating Endorsers (in formation; affiliation for purpose of identification)
- Ann Northrop, Co-Host, Gay USA
- Asia Russell, Executive Director, Health GAP
- Autumn Brown, Host, How to Survive the End of the World
- Bamby Salcedo, M.A., The TransLatin@ Coalition
- Cara Page, Cultural Organizing Director of Changing Frequencies
- Celia Alario, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach
- Cecilia Chung, Founder, Positively Trans
- Cecilia Maria Gentili, Trans Equity Consulting
- Charles Stephens, The Counter Narrative Project (CNP)
- Chiara Francesca, Chiara Acu
- Dazon Dixon Diallo, SISTERLOVE, INC.
- Dean Spade
- Emi Kane, Long COVID Justice
- Gregg Gonsalves, Yale School of Public Health
- Jaden Fields & Amita Swadhin, Co-Directors, Mirror Memoirs
- JD Davids, Long COVID Justice
- Kenyon Farrow, Managing Director of Advocacy & Organizing, PrEP4ALL
- Laurie Jones, Interim Executive Director, #MEAction
- Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Disability Justice Movement Worker, Writer, Cultural Worker
- Lisa McCorkell, MPP, Co-Founder, Patient-Led Research Collaborative
- louie ortiz-fonseca, gran varones
- Lucky Tran, PhD, Managing Director, March for Science
- Meghan O’Rourke, Author, The Invisible Kingdom
- Moya Bailey, Associate Professor, Northwestern University
- Naina Khanna, Co-executive Director, Positive Women’s Network USA
- Oni Blackstock, MD, MHS, Founder and Executive Director, Health Justice
- Scot Nakagawa, 22nd Century Initiative
- Stephen Kahn, MD, President, Abundance Foundation and Harvard Medical School Global Health Advisory Council
- Steven W Thrasher, PhD, Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism/Institute of Sexual and Gender Minority Health, and Wellbeing
- Susan Raffo & Cara Page, Core Team Co-Leaders, Healing Histories Project
- Tina Habib, The Action Lab
- Uché Blackstock, MD, Advancing Health Equity
- Vanessa Johnson, Ribbon
- Yolo Akili Robinson, BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective)